Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Latest Low Adventures

Who ever said that boys can't tap dance!?

Matthew convincing Santa that he has been a good boy this year

Drew begging Santa for an XBOX 360

First fishing in Alaska was ice fishing for us! It really was a lot of fun. Matthew and Drew caught 2 fish. Drew managed to fall in one of the holes into the water, not too surprising.

My sister Nat made these adorable shirts, wish some of the creative genes had passed down to me.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Star Sighting in Park City

My sister Nat and Ken spotted Jon while celebrating Ken's graduation from WSU, go wildcats! Talk about the perfect graduation gift...a hand shake from Jon Gosselin!!! We are proud of you Ken and extremely jealous of your star encounter.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

We might have a new neighbor!

He seems a bit large and intimidating, but we think he would make a great neighbor. He seems to be making himself at home quite easily and left behind a souvenir for us!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween 2009

This is the best shot I have of Boba Fett and Buzz. We have had so many Halloween parties this week that Drew dressed up as something different at every party. It was a frigid Halloween night but we still had a good time. I love Halloween.

The Star Wars Clan along with Buzz and a ferocious lion

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What a miserable few days we've had! I now understand why the flu kills those who are already weakened! We, along with the family upstairs have been struck. High fevers, chills, body aches, headaches, sore throats, and a horrible cough are some of the symptoms we've had. I hope this is not a sign of what this winter has in store for us (I think winter is already here. There is snow on the mountains and it was 40 degrees today. YIKES!) I think we are on the mend and are hopefully now immune to this yucky flu.

Poor Matthew didn't even want to celebrate his 5th birthday. He has been looking forward to this birthday with much anticipation. We were able to drug him enough to celebrate around 1030 pm Friday night. I wish I had taken more pictures, but H1N1 had taken me over! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW.

Mario Kart came just in time! We have watched way too many movies and played too much ds.


My poor sick boys

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Would You Do For Free Blueberries?

The things I will do to get something for free! We climbed Mt. Baldy last week in hopes of some delicious blueberries. I underestimated the rainstorms here. Jesse wanted to turn back after it started to rain but I was obsessed with picking blueberries. When we reached the top there were blueberries galore. I was expecting Costco quality blueberries. We literally slid down the mountain on our way back to the jeep. It was definitely a hike to remember. We were covered from head to toe in mud, any boys dream! Thanks for the ponchos mom.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And the Winner is.........

I haven't figured out how to do the random drawing thing online so we did the good old fashioned hat draw.

Congratulations Brandee! Email me your address and your Alaskan treasure will be on its way. I thought this was kind of fun so I will be doing another giveaway next month(Does it seem like I am hard up for entertainment?) Thanks for all the great websites.

Last day to enter The Great Alaskan Giveaway!

The winner will be picked today at 9:00pm. Please share your websites with me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am finally a winner

I entered to win free groceries on this awesome money saving site, and I actually won. We've been loving all the free goodies. I had so much fun with this that I thought I would do my own little giveaway. If you leave a comment with a good money saving or cooking site I will randomly select someone to receive a little Alaskan Souvenir. Hope your luck is as good as mine!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Winner Creek Trail

This last weekend we hiked the Winner Creek Trail by Alyeska Resort. I would have to say this was the highlight of my Alaska adventures thus far. When you get to the top you can ride across the river in a hand tram. I was surprised at how high above the water the tram was. Not for someone who is afraid of heights! Matthew and Drew loved it. It is 2.5 miles each way. Drew's legs hurt for 3 days afterwards. He slept in until 1100 the next day and literally couldn't get himself out of bed.

The freezing cold water didn't seem to bother Matthew

Drew's first bear encounter

Beluga Point just south of Anchorage

Monday, July 27, 2009

Family Pictures

While in Utah we were lucky enough to have my good friend Heidi do our family pictures. The pictures were taken in the Hansen's beautiful backyard. Thanks for the pictures Heidi!

My brother Nate and his nephews

Mom and Dad

Ken and Barbie!

Brother Ryan, wife Jessica, and Kaleb (Kaleb wasn't that into the family photo shoot)

My wonderful parents and their lovely grandsons

They are all taken but one, sorry! Nate is still available if there are any single, hot women reading this.

This is our first family picture, pathetic I know.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

We made it to Alaska

My last post announced we were moving to Alaska and we have finally arrived. I know the suspense was probably killing you. I once heard that moving is right next to death and divorce when it comes to stressful events. I have not experienced death nor divorce and never want to! I dread the day we have to pack up and move again.

We lived with my parents the month of June while Jesse uhauled his way to Alaska. The boys and I flew to Alaska July 6th while Jesse was in New York doing some training. We had a great time with friends and family while in Utah. We are currently living in Eagle River Alaska and enjoying it so far. The weather is an adjustment. I never thought I would crave the blazing Vegas rays. Today was about 60 degrees and rainy. I will post a few pictures of our adventures the last couple of months. I am sorry that I did not get the chance to tell all my LV friends goodbye. I miss all of you and wish I had more time that last month.

Jesse and his dad drove our stuff all the way here (3400 miles) This is a picture of them at Lake Louise Canada. Thank you Gordon for doing this for us. Jesse really enjoyed the time he was able to spend with you. There were a few lakes that were still frozen!

Cousin Kaleb and Drew at the Brigham Pool. We miss you Caleb



We are living in the basement apartment of another family here in Eagle River. They are both police officers. I help out with their four boys and cook dinner 3 days a week in exchange for cheaper rent. They are good boys but it has been a big adjustment. I would love good meal ideas if anyone has any to share!

Matthew and Tyler playing video games. (Tyler is 7 years old) It didn't take long for Matthew to get hooked on video games

Traeton, 12


Ryan, 10

Drew at the Anchorage Police Dept. annual picnic

I will try and do a better job updating my blog, no promises though!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We Are Moving to ALASKA!

Jesse was accepted to a dental pediatric residency in Anchorage Alaska! We are very excited, and yes,a little nervous. We will be going from one climate extreme to another. I guess we'll be moving by the end of May. It's only a 3,000 mile road trip. Not a big deal. We'll keep you posted